"I know my darkness, that i may befriend my darkness and feel enmity no more" -- DFM

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Poems and Sketches


Caught in the maelstrom
of scorn and ambivalence
in this river not forgotten;
drowning somewhat
amidst my own
'slipping away'.
Spiralling, twirling
dervishing down the drain
of infinite unknowing
disappearing, gagging
on humiliation and hubris
my love is a Scylla
burried in the tallest
cliff: enchanting and
monstrous, my mind


So what if we navel gaze?
Perhaps the navel we gaze at
is the very navel of the earth:
consciousness itself
in the empty hollow
of a luminous disc of Jade.

Perhaps it is the sky:
a portal to an
atemporal, aspatial
realm of infinite
synchronistic possibility?
A window into eternity?

Omphalos at Delphi;
the land that is nowhere.
A womb in the sky
Opening out into
the most magnificent


What is repulsive and terrifying
yet attractive and necessary?
Echidna 'beautiful-cheeked
and bright-eyed.
Yet terrible and devouring
in her snake-like aspect.
Thrashing about in the hollows
far from the gods and men:
a dwelling of immortal design --
Arima they called it
in days of old:
the couch of Typhoeus
her husband.

No wings in sight
Echidna and Typhoeus 
begat Cerberos hounds
of the underworld 
and Orthos hounds 
who fathered in incest
the Sphinx. 
Echidna bore also
the Lion of Nemea,
the Hydra of Lerma and
the fire-spitting Chimaira:
Lion, goat and serpent
all in one.

Hundred-eyed Argos
killed her in her sleep
but she is yet an ageless
and immortal nymph.
Her brother Ladon
guarded the Tree with 
the Golden Apples in
The Garden of the Hesperides.
In the hollows of Night
west of Oceanus, Ladon
& the Daughters of Night:
Evening Star, Night that
harbours Golden fruit.

Vespertinal, luminous
Crimson springs
star brilliant, 
health and order 
snatched in a 
gust of the wind
like a Harpy or
bright-voiced Siren
playing double flute at dusk,
enticing secret rites
from the Night

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