Ducks Fly Moon the journey from isolation to relatedness, from internal chaos to the development of a coherent internal world, points to the healing aspects of the psyche, which can be set in motion when psychotherapy in a safe and containing setting is provided (Brian Feldman)
Ducks Fly Moon Bollas argues that only in hating the other can certain people discover a true relation to the object, a fact that requires them to conserve rather than destroy the other...finding meaning through hate...

Shupiwe Savanna
Wow....what would buddhists make of that. I know that to be true. I am there! But whilst you do fine meaning, its perhaps not the best form of meaning which is a problem. Its the type of meaning that slowlys eats your soul, like hatred is acid and your soul is dunked into it. So perhaps it might've been wiser to find meaning in more positive ways....
2 hours ago ·

Jonathan Davidoff
I have a motto: 'The one who doesn't moan and complain, doesn't enjoy'. I think it's a well hate-tinged object relation to everything basically. But I quite like it... hahaha
Bollas is right.
Bollas is right.
about an hour ago ·
Ducks Fly Moon It is a fact of life that a lot of the time we have to do things we don't really want to do out of consideration for other people. -EW
Marques Toliver likes this.

Shupiwe Savanna
Yes and no. Sometimes isn't it out of consideration for ourselves? So for about 50 hours a week we "work" for "money" so we can have "stuff"? Why's that then? Are we not happiest when we can control our time? Well I am anyway. I am happiest when what I do is my choice and not a forced thing. So to make me happy I would be able to go to work ... See Morewhenever I want. And not forced to be there everyday at 8am. Ditto with home time and hols. Ah you can dream....(Ps been watchin entire season of father ted hence topic of interest! They sit around and do bugger all!)
Yesterday at 12:29pm ·

Ducks Fly Moon
glad i created some responses...was just sharing some wisdom from my treasured elders
Ducks Fly Moon 'The greatest things than man[kind] has done, he owes to the painful sense of incompleteness of his destiny' muses Madame de Stael (1985)

Ducks Fly Moon welcomes any and all comments on his status...but if its tongue-in-cheek, facetious, jocular, glib, sardonic, sportive, droll or jocose, it won't go unnoticed and i am likely to respond appropriately. That said, my response will be relative to the comments made and henceforth delivered with love.
Ducks Fly Moon Captioning by...Adam Phillips 'On Kissing, Tickling & Being Bored' with quotes from Emerson, Cavell & Wittgenstein!
9 new photos

Ducks Fly Moon is changing his status so his family members head's don't hurt!!

Kelly Boyd

Ducks Fly Moon
no :o))
I'm loving this new kind of contemporary literature genre... The true meaning of litterature, to quote Mr. Joyce